In the Pursuit of an Alternative Academy: The Case of Kocaeli Academy for Solidarity Güven Bakırezer, Derya Keskin Demirer, Adem Yeşilyurt* Kocaeli Academy for Solidarity, Kocaeli, Turkey, Abstract: The Turkish government declared the state of emergency on 20 July 2016, in the aftermath of the July 15 coup attempt, …
DEVAMIEmergent Repertoires of Resistance and Commoning in Higher Education: The Solidarity Academies Movement in Turkey
Esra Erdem / Kamuran Akın / South Atlantic Quarterly (2019) 118 (1): 145–163. This article addresses the current restructuring of academia in Turkey through the example of the Academics for Peace petition and the institutional mechanisms of repression it instigated. We focus on the Solidarity Academies as alternative spaces of …
DEVAMIBeyond the purge: How academics in Turkey are facing up to repression by reimagining education
01 Ağustos 2018 / Elif İnce / IFEX – Over five hundred academics who signed a peace petition in 2016 asking Turkey to end violence against Kurds were banned from teaching. In response, they set up alternative venues for education and research all over the country, free and open to everyone. …
DEVAMIOrganising an Alternative University: A Reflection on the Conference ‘Critical, Emancipatory and Solidarist Endeavors’
Sarah Amsler / University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK, Abstract: This article presents a report on the international conference ‘Beyond University: Critical, Emancipatory and Solidarist Endeavors’, organised by the Kocaeli Dayanışma Akademisi (Kocaeli Academy for Solidarity) in Kocaeli, Turkey on 30-31 March 2018. At the time of writing, its organisers …
DEVAMIAkademik Özgürlük İçin Barış ve Emek
Aynur Özuğurlu, Kocaeli Dayanışma Akademisi, e-posta: Akademisyenler olarak kendi emek biçimimiz de dâhil olmak üzere, akademik özgürlükle emek arasındaki ilişkiyi burada hep birlikte tartışabilmeyi arzu ediyorum. Bu tartışmanın iki bakımdan önemli olduğunu sanıyorum. İlki, genellikle normatif ve değer yüklü bir ilke olarak düşünmeye alışkın olduğumuz ‘akademik özgürlük’ mefhumunu tarihselleştirmeye …